New Creation Community Church is currently meeting in person.  Our current in-person guidelines include limited attendance with social distancing.  We require masks, temperature checks, and hand sanitizing upon entrance.  Masks and gloves are available if you require them.  Services have been modified to reduce contact.  For your safety, we sanitize touched surfaces after each service.
For those that are erring on the side of caution concerning your health and that of your loved ones, please join us on Youtube live for the 8am traditional service, and join us on Youtube  and Facebook live for the contemporary 10:30am service.  We also have one adult and one children’s Sunday School class currently, with others meeting virtually.  Contact the church office if you have questions, and also watch our Facebook for current updates.  
As we plod through this pandemic, let us remember that God is in control.  It is He we lean on and not our own understanding, thanks be to our great big and perfect God!
Peace be with you in this new year!

How do I give to New Creation Community Church?

On Sundays, you may place a check or cash in the offering plate when passed at our worship services. Envelopes are available by contacting Ann Smith at 717-881-5215.

Consider electronic funds transfer from your checking account. Saves time, postage and check fees and you don’t forget to bring your contribution on Sunday. To set up this electronic form of contribution, fill out an Authorization Agreement, attach a voided check and give to church treasurer. At any time you desire, you may change or cancel this authorization.

OFFERING:  Consider using electronic giving and specifically setting up recurring giving:

  • Download the “VancoMobile” App in your app store
  • Speak to a representative at Vanco at 800-675-7430
  • Go to the church website

What forms of non-cash contributions may I give to NCCC?

  • Public traded securities
  • Closely-held stock
  • Real estate
  • Gifts-in-kind
  • Paid insurance policies

Sierra Leone, a country of six million people in Western Africa, has a special significance in the history of the transatlantic slave trade.

The country’s modern history has been overshadowed by a brutal civil war ending in 2002. From 2014 to 2016 Sierra Leone declared a state of emergency to tackle the deadly outbreak of the Ebola virus which killed more than 11,000 people in that region.

Sierra Leone’s population growth is somewhat tempered by high infant, child, and maternal mortality rates that are among the highest in the world, (1 in 5 newborns survive) and are a result of abject poverty, a lack of portable water and sanitation, poor nutrition, and limited access to quality health care.

Sierra Leone’s large youth population -about 60% under age 25- continue to struggle with high levels of unemployment, a contributing factor in the 1991-2002 civil war, and remains a threat to stability today. It’s estimated 60% youth unemployment rate is attributed to high levels of illiteracy and unskilled labor. Recent estimates indicate only 40% of school age children attend school. According to the Central Intelligence Agency of the United States Government in 2012 Sierra Leone ranked 141st in the world in literacy.

New Creation Community Church has been blessed to be in partnership with Bishop Bangura United Methodist Church over the last decade. NCCC has had members travel to Sierra Leone over that same time period to establish relationships with our sister church. Being in relationship with our brothers and sisters in Christ is the most important part of our covenant relationship.

In our travels to Sierra Leone, New Creation discovered some very basic human needs we’ve attempted to be of assistance to with our sister church. We have provided wells for clean drinking water, solar powered sanitation facilities for our sister church and for a primary school that is located near our sister church.

In February 2017 we had some of our members travel to our sister church carrying reader eyeglasses for the community that our sister church is located in.

We were accompanied by an eye technician from Sierra Leone who performed eye examinations and proper fitting of the glasses. The eye technician was also able to detect those persons with cataracts with the hope of follow up corrective surgery.

The joy on the faces of people, who prior to their eyeglass fitting were struggling to see and or read, was a blessing to all those who were present.

One of NCCC’s goals moving forward in this relationship is to assist our sister church in exploring ways together for them to become self sufficient in ways that would allow them to become a vibrant and impactful force of love in their community that glorifies God.

Although the six million persons who struggle on a daily basis with having the basics of life, they and we recognize we have one thing that unites us all. That one thing is the love of God through Christ. Sierra Leoneans are a very resilient people and they have so much to teach us about being in a relationship with God, when that is all you have, and not dependent on the excesses that cause us to lose focus on our most important relationship, God, the giver of every good and perfect gift.

Brian and JoMarie Warner were recently in Sierra Leone.


The new floor in our church in Sierra Leone.

The following four pictures are from Brian and JoMarie’s recent trip to Sierra Leone.











Thank you for taking the time to visit New Creation Community Church’s (NCCC) website. We have been praying for this chance to introduce ourselves to you. Our desire is to be a place to connect God to your life so that you might know He is mighty in it, and I believe NCCC is better facilitating that purpose every day!

My name is Pastor Kurt Herzberg. My wife Delores and I moved here about five years ago. In my time here, I have discovered a church who is family and wanting to adopt more people into it!   We are a casual church, real people with real struggles, but also those who experience real victories because we encourage one another in love. We offer that same opportunity to our local community in worship, events, and ministry to others. NCCC has a rich history of ministering beyond our family, to the community, and world, with that same love.

God has planted us in Dover for a purpose!  We want NCCC to be a place that’s “Connecting Church & Home”. We are real people who want to help you foster real practical relationship with your Father in Heaven. God wants to impact your life, your marriage, and your legacy in your children! He wants to be your guide in your work and leisure time, your challenges, your thoughts and actions! He offers His goodness to create a life that brings an excitement and new joy in living, a hope for your future, and we want to help you discover that!   So, check out our website, like our Facebook page, and join one of our community events or helpful ministries, or come enjoy a Sunday of worship.  What ever is comfortable for you, we are ready to meet you where you are.  We are praying for you!!

New Creation Community Church has worship services at 8am and 10:30am with Sunday school in between.  Our first service uses hymns and the second service used a praise band with more contemporary music.

While we encourage you to worship in person to build relationships, but you may rather enjoy YouTube live for the 8am traditional service and join us on YouTube and Facebook live for the contemporary 10:30am service.

Please click on the other links for other details about our church activities and ministries.
Thank you for allowing us to be part of your journey of faith!

Peace be with you!  

We are New Creation Community Church.