To find more information about our church, go to our website

NEWSLETTER ARTICLES ARE DUE:  Please send your articles to Pastor Kurt preferably no later than this Thursday, January, 2.

DAYCARE REMODEL HELP NEEDED TODAY AND TOMORROW:  Please consider helping today and tomorrow, 29 and 30th, 9am-4pm.  We want to be done by the end of the year!  

SAFE SANCTUARIES:  Help us meet our goal of having trainings and clearances done by the end of the year!  Not doing so may put your ministry participation in jeopardy.  See Carol Sydor for any help completing your requirements.

POINSETTIAS:  They are labeled and available for pick-up after Christmas.  Thanks for beautifying the church!

New Testament Bible Study                    On hold for now

“Not Alone” Luncheon (Griefshare)       First Mondays, Noon

Women in Community Bible Study.       2nd/4th Mondays, 6:30pm

Morning Glory Group                             1st/3rd Tuesdays, 9am

Men’s Breakfast, Shiloh Fam Rest.         Tuesdays, 8am

Men’s Alliance                                        Tuesdays 6:30pm

Praise Team                                             Thursdays 6:30pm

Daycare Remodel                                     Dec 29,30 – 9am-4pm


GIVING METHODS:           

  • Download the “VancoMobile” App in your app store 
  • Speak to a representative at Vanco at 800-675-7430
  • Go to the church website
