• WOMEN IN COMMUNITY:  This study group meets 2nd and 4th Mondays at 6:30pm.  They are beginning January 8, 2024 for a Spiritual Gifts study.
  • MORNING GLORY:  This lady’s study group meets the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays at 9am starting January 16, 2024.  They are continuing a study called “No Wonder they Call Him the Savior”.  Contact Jan Hufnagle for more information, 717 885 7488
  • SECRET SISTERS:    WE WILL SOON BE ORGANIZING FOR 2025! This is a great way to connect and pray over your secret sister along with being able to gift her with small gifts throughout the year.  Former Secret Sisters may update their sheet or fill out a new sheet.  New Secret Sister may see  Carol Sydor for a sheet.  Please put completed Forms in the designated box by Sunday, January 28th!  Please see Carol if you have any questions!